We are the publishers of
Erie Wrecks East,
Erie Wrecks West. and
Erie Wrecks & Lights
Each book provides:
§ Survivors tales of the loss
§ Essential facts about the
§ The history of the vessel
and its loss
§ A picture of the ship before
it sank
§ Description of the wreck
§ Underwater photographs
§ Sidescan sonar images
§ Drawings of the wreck
§ Loran and GPS numbers
Our goal:
To share the rich maritime history in the depths of Lake Erie and encourage recreational diving.
Laminated 11" x 17"
Shipwreck Chart wth 305 Lake Erie Shipwreck Now Available
Due to popular demand, Our Lake Erie Shipwreck Chart is Back. We have a limited run of 11" by 17" laminated charts available for $20.00 each includes poatage in USA
Erie Wrecks West is now available as a PDF ebook.
A Bit About Authors, Georgann and Mike Wachter
We love diving both fresh and saltwater and have explored the underwater world in over 20 countries. While wreck diving is our passion, we enjoy coral reefs and have an unabating concern for the health pf planet ocean.
Featured New Program
We are excited to add a new and unique presentation titled "What Have They Put in Our Lakes?" to our program offerings this year. While legions of scuba divers explore wrecks from schooners to ore boats, there are many other reasons to dive the inland seas. Virtually every manner of conveyance man has invented languishes somewhere on these bottom lands. Georgann & Mike will explore many of these, including bicycles, autos, locomotives, hot air balloons, snowmobiles, helicopters, rail cars, and even two submarines.